
Windows 11 virtual machine
Windows 11 virtual machine

However, it also can’t run standard Windows applications without performance-destroying emulation, so unless your application requirements are very modest, Apple Silicon users don’t have a viable way of running Windows on their hardware at the time of writing. That version of Windows is written specifically for ARM-based computers. The only way to get Windows working on an Apple Silicon system at the time of writing is to use the commercial Parallels software packages.

windows 11 virtual machine

The first is the Microsoft Edge Developer page under Tools and then VMs There are two websites where you can download these Windows virtual machines.

windows 11 virtual machine

Microsoft doesn’t exactly advertise its virtual machine pages to the public, but they are easy to find using a search engine. If you want to try out Windows 11, the Windows 11 VM offers one way to do it that doesn’t involve the complexity of trying to install Windows into a VM manually. You may want to combine the VM with a VPN and the Tor network to really secure things. Since they are all identical, you can browse the web form within the VM without worrying about cookies, browser fingerprinting, or other identifiable data being collected about you.

windows 11 virtual machine

Although projects such as Wine exists to let Windows software run on operating systems like macOS and Linux as well.Ī virtual machine such as this can be a powerful privacy tool. If you aren’t running Windows, but need temporary access to a Windows-only application, this is one viable solution.

Windows 11 virtual machine